

Celebrating achievements

Celebrating achievements is not an easy task for some. Others have chosen to dim their light out of fear of feeling like an imposter. Cultural expectations can also influence how one celebrates their achievements. This month is worthy of celebration because it's Women's History Month. Women continue to make significant contributions to this world. If acknowledging the milestones and accom[...]

Setting Boundaries is a form of self-care

Setting boundaries is a form of self-care. That is a hill I will rest on. Boundaries can be personal, financial, professional, or sexual. As a former serial people pleaser, setting boundaries wasn't easy for me. I learned during that season that setting boundaries was not "being mean." Boundaries taught people how to treat me and honor my existence in their lives. I also experienced deter[...]

Abandonment and Relationships

Relationships were often complicated for me to navigate. The most challenging part was the breakups that occurred. They were difficult because I had some deep-seated issues with abandonment. In this workbook I share how I was able to embrace healthy relationships after addressing my issues with abandonment. Here's an excerpt from the workbook: My pregnancy, in retrospect, was a cry for a[...]

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