Ownership and Release

Setting, boundaries, self, care, mental, wellness

Ownership and Release is about me learning how to stop taking responsibility for other peoples issues. As a parent this can be tough to do, especially when you are so used to handling everything. This perspective is not limited to my parental relationship only. Everyones problems are not mine to fix. I hope you enjoy this segment. I encourage you to explore the topic a little more.[...]

Colorism and Self-Acceptance

The day I decided to love the skin that I was in, was the day that I understood the power of authenticity. If I can’t love the woman staring back at me in the mirror, then who can I love? Self acceptance and colorism is the first topic addressed in the Finding My Happy series. Here’s an excerpt from the workbook: Life experiences and societal clues that I experienced as a child hel[...]

Abandonment and Relationships

Relationships were often complicated for me to navigate. The most challenging part was the breakups that occurred. They were difficult because I had some deep-seated issues with abandonment. In this workbook I share how I was able to embrace healthy relationships after addressing my issues with abandonment. Here's an excerpt from the workbook: My pregnancy, in retrospect, was a cry for a[...]

Summer Guide For The Best Holidays

Dolor sit amet ipsum varius, ut tempor augue pretium. Fusce esqte magna, eleifend et enim sitae et, tempor scelerisq condimeade massaid mas sa. Etiam vel iaculis mi, at aliquet urna mas item purus arcu iaculis nibh, id porta a risus. Nullam pretium, purus et pellentesque idt vestibulum. Etiam vel iaculis mi, at aliquet urna mas id massa. ite purus arcu iaculis nibh, id porta a risus. S[...]

Latest Beauty Trends for the Fall

Dolor sit amet ipsum varius, ut tempor augue pretium. Fusce esqte magna, eleifend et enim sitae et, tempor scelerisq condimeade massaid mas sa. Etiam vel iaculis mi, at aliquet urna mas item purus arcu iaculis nibh, id porta a risus. Nullam pretium, purus et pellentesque idt vestibulum. Etiam vel iaculis mi, at aliquet urna mas id massa. ite purus arcu iaculis nibh, id porta a risus. S[...]

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