Colorism and Self-Acceptance
The day I decided to love the skin that I was in, was the day that I understood the power of authenticity. If I can’t love the woman staring back at me in the mirror, then who can I love? Self acceptance and colorism is the first topic addressed in the Finding My Happy series. Here’s an excerpt from the workbook:
Life experiences and societal clues that I experienced as a child helped to shape my view of things. It was very apparent in the way I valued my image. As a child, some things were foreign to me until pointed out. Growing up as a dark-skinned little girl was quite interesting. Adults seemed to adore my dark skin. I would often hear, “Oh, she is so cute for a dark-skinned girl” or “Oh, look at the little piece of chocolate.” My peers were a different story.
I encourage you to explore the topic a little more. Download the free workbook and start the self work. Take care.